I tried looking up the error message online but nothing really came up. I tried calling customer service and tech support but it was of course not during business hours. Harumph.
I'm really disappointed by this because I've taken some awesome cloth diaper stash pictures lately. I've really gotten into sewing my own diapers and I'm really liking how they are coming out. Until I'm able to share my recent stash pics I will share the ones took two weeks ago. I have added to my stash since then, and the only ones picture are my GoodMamas, which accounted for most of my diapers.
This kid loves her fluff. She will grab it from me while I'm folding it and just walk around carrying and hugging it. I love it.
and my GoodMama Pyramid of Fluff.
I've added quite a few diapers to my stash since this pic. (shh, don't tell my husband)
Hopefully before too long I'll be able to share pics of all the diapers I've made. For now, I'm off to cuddle with my precious girl. I hope all the mommas out there had a wonderful Mother's Day!
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